25 pre-installed scripts ...
PHPMyChat, Java Chat, CGI Chat, Random HTML, Guestbook, Counter, Clock, Date, FormMail, Site Search Engine, Search Engine Submitter, Banner Rotator, Agora Shopping Cart, PHP-Nuke, Post-Nuke, phpWebSite, xoops, phpBB2, Invision Board, OS Commerce 2.2, PHPauction, PHProjekt, phpLinks, b2.
Own Your Domain - Manage Your Own Site
Standard Plan
500 Megabytes of Space
7 Gigabytes of Transfer
Unlimited POP3 E-mails
5 subdomains
2 domain parking
10 MySql databases
Graphical Stats
24x7 Monitoring
Setup Fee: $0.00 (1yr signup)
Monthly Fee: $20bz

Basic Plan:
100MB disk space
3GB monthly file transfer
10 email accounts
Village Councils
Churches, schools, non-profit
NGO's, Chartitable Org
Setup Fee: $0.00 (1yr signup)
Monthly Fee: $10bz

Plans comes with:

° SMTP - Default Catch-All Email - Unlimited Responder - Unlimited Forwarder
° Customizable Error Pages - Customizable .htaccess
° IMAP4 Support - MIME Types - WAP Enabled - Web Statistic
° PHP4, PERL, CGI-BIN - Server Side Include (SSI)
° Shopping Cart - Daily Downloadable Backups - Password Protected Dir's
° HTTP Real Audio/Video - MX Record Changes - Multiple Firewalls
° Telnet/SSH Access - PhpMyAdmin - Frontpage 1998/2000/2002
° cPanel Management
Basic Plan
  ° 100MB, 3GB transfer, 10 emails
  ° for preferred groups
  ° eg. schools, charitable org.
  ° $10bz per month

Standard Hosting Plan
  ° 500 megs of storage space
  ° 7 GB of monthly file transfer
  ° cPanel management
  ° $20bz per month

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